

Construction sector - Türkiye

The construction sector in Türkiye embodies a narrative of expertise, growth, and resilience that transcends national borders. With a global reputation forged through decades of experience and innovation, it stands as a crucial pillar of the Turkish economy.

Türkiye, endowed with a strategic geographical position and a young, dynamic population, has seen its construction sector evolve into one of the driving forces behind its socio-economic development.

Rapid urbanization, sustained population growth, and internal and external migration flows have fuelled increasing demand for housing, thereby stimulating continuous sectoral growth. Moreover, the construction sector has distinguished itself through expertise in delivering modern and functional infrastructure tailored to the needs of a competitive, modern economy.

Simultaneously, the sector has leveraged global economic and technological advancements to consolidate its position on the international stage. By investing in innovation, developing specialized skills, and adhering to high-quality standards, it has successfully tackled complex challenges in the global market.

In just a few decades, Türkiye has positioned itself as a regional hub in this field, significantly contributing to both its own economy and its international prominence.

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