Mechanical Industry - Türkiye :
In 2021, Turkey's economy recorded double-digit growth of 11.4% and exports reached USD 225 billion. The manufacturing industry contributed USD 212 billion (i.e. 94.5%) increasing by 16.6%. In 2022, despite a slight slowdown in GDP growth (5.6%), the manufacturing industry continued to lead exports upwards, contributing 94.6% (i.e. 245 billion USD compared to 254 billion USD of exports achieved).
Turkey is the 6th largest machinery manufacturer in Europe with around 80% of the sector made up of SMEs with less than 20 employees. The mechanical industry employs 6% of the total workforce and represents 9.5% of industrial jobs in the country with more than 441,000 employees in 2021 in more than 46,000 companies. It provides 4.3% of industrial production, constitutes 9% of total exports and provides 5.7% of the added value of Turkish industry (8.22% of the added value of manufacturing industry). In 2021, labor productivity increased by 16.8% leading to an increase in demand resulting in an increase in production which thus jumped by 31.2% in 2021.
From a position of low-cost subcontractor in the 1990s, Turkey has become an exporter of industrial products to more than 200 countries and Turkish industry has multiplied by 3.5 the value of its production in 10 years (EUR 2.1 million in 2010; EUR 9.5 million in 2019).
Turkish manufacturers benefit from a quality workforce to meet both a large domestic market and increased foreign demand as part of a reorganization of the global supply chain placing Turkey at the center of industrial sourcing for the single market.
In order to better respond to export markets and increase skills, the Turks are multiplying partnerships with foreign companies in the context of transfers of know-how and skills.
The Turkish mechanical engineering sector, as a supply market, offers international location and considerable potential for international investment especially in the mechanical engineering sector, machinery production as well as as a supplier for intermediate and end customers.